Sunday, February 25, 2007

the definition of "weird"

I was chatting with a friend of mine today and we were talking about someone we both know and how weird this person is. And the more we talked about it, the more I realized that I'm also extremely weird. And the more I thought about that, the more I realized that my friend is ALSO pretty strange when it comes right down to it. (Admit it, if you're reading this blog, you must be pretty atypical yourself!)

So now I'm wondering. Is weird the new normal? Is everyone so unusual that people who DON'T exhibit eccentricities and odd behaviours are now the weird ones?

Monday, February 05, 2007

winter blues

10 reasons why I hate winter

1. It's bloody cold. I don't care if we live in Canada, I can't get used to -30 degrees!

2. Dressing in layers means I run out of clothes too quickly. It also means more laundry.

3. My students take 20 minutes just to get ready to go outside.

4. When it's this cold, my students don't go outside for recess. (This is much worse than #3!)

5. Outdoor sports aren't as much fun as they are in summer.

6. Too many illnesses!

7. Brushing the snow off my car.

8. My car takes 30 minutes to warm up.

9. My arthritis acts up.

10. People are too negative and miserable this time of year.