Sunday, June 25, 2006

track and field (teacher's race)

This past Wednesday was Track and Field day at my school. Basically, we have all the junior (grades 4-6) students compete in track events and field events for the entire day. It's quite the exhausting day!!

Anyway, in the afternoon, we always do a teacher relay where the grade four, five, and six teachers compete against one another. The grade five team has won for the past few years, and we were hoping to keep our winning streak going.

I had to run the first section of the race, and was pretty nervous, since I wanted to get a good head start. My students took a "before" picture, and told me to look confident. I tried.

I ran as fast as I could, and managed to get ahead of my competitors. Not by much, but by enough to make me feel I did a decent job.

Unfortunately, we didn't win. The grade four team had made some last minute replacements and put in the gym teacher and an athletic grade two teacher to fill in for two of their slower team members!! I'm not saying they cheated, but.......:)

Second place isn't so bad, though!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

thirteen more days!

Only two-and-a-half weeks to go till summer vacation!! I'm especially excited because I'll be at a different school next year teaching a different grade. (So long 10-year-olds going through puberty, hello 8-year-olds addicted to tattling!)

Getting motivated to teach these days is extremely difficult. I'd rather just take my students outside to play. Most days, that's exactly what I do.

I don't feel the anxiety about leaving my current place of work that you might expect. Maybe it just hasn't hit me yet. Or maybe I just really needed to leave.